images and words

imagines mundi means images of the world. But it also means images for the world. This blog is my attempt to take pictures not only of the world, but for the good and the sake of the world. Enjoy! Any feedback is appreciated.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Patriotism and Resistance

Denounce the government and embrace
the flag. Hope to live in that free
republic for which it stands. 

Manifesto by Wendell Berry

These flags were posted at the intersection of Hwys 224 and 248  to remember the three thousand Americans who had by that time died needlessly in the Middle East in Iraq.  Sometimes people buy this image, thinking that it is "patriotic", i.e. supporting the military and the powers that be. But I took the photo to stand in solidarity against the powers that be and with all, American and Iraqi, who have suffered because of war.

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